When to consult an Osteopath ?
Osteopathy is a wonderful way to heal as it is available at every age. Everyone can benefit from the effect of osteopathic medicine: newborns, babies, children, adults of every age and of course pregnant women who go through so many physical changes in 9 months.
Osteopathy isn’t only for back pains but it is of help for other issues such as sleep disorders, digestion issues…
Muscular and articular disorders :
-Low back pain (sciatica, slipped disc…), pain in the neck, stiff neck, muscular tensions …
-Sprains (ankle sprain, knee sprain…)
-Arthrosis, arthritis
After a trauma :
-Car accident
-Fall on the head or on the buttocks
-After sprains or fractures
-After surgeries
Nervous and vascular system :
-Sleep disorders, anxiety, stress, tiredness…
-Sensation of heavy legs…
-Neuralgia (Sciatica…)
-Migraines, headaches…
Digestive disorders :
-Constipation, diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)…
Urinary and gynecological system :
-Urinary disorders : chronic urinary tract infection…
-Menstrual cycle disorders : painful periods, amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, fertility disorders…
ENT (ear, nose and throat):
-Sinusitis, asthma, allergies, rhinitis…
-So called dizziness, whistling in ears…